Checking in with Executive Director Maggie J. Cromeens

Executive Director Maggie J. Cromeens

October 2022

Maggie J. Cromeens, CDC Executive Director

What a first few months it has been in the Cuero Development Corporation office. In so many ways it has felt like a full circle moment for me being back home and working with our local businesses and recruiting for new businesses. I have tried to be in the moment, but also look forward with anticipation what can and will be for the City of Cuero. Of course there are challenges, but there are also many blessings that I am experiencing during these moments.

There are a lot of new initiatives and happenings on our horizon. Things that I am excited to share with our business community. Ideas that I hope will be helpful, and as always I am here to listen to our partners. Some of these ideas that are on the horizon are developing an economic recovery plan in the event of a natural or manmade disaster, business walks in our town, lunch and learns with the CDC, getting to know our office and what we can do to support you as well as looking at more ways to help you succeed. My office is always open to serve.

We look forward to moving into the holiday season and supporting Christmas in the Park, Christmas in Downtown Cuero, and of course shopping local. If you have known me for any amount of time I have been known to say (often laughing as I do) teamwork makes the dreamwork, and in Cuero it is absolutely true. We are truly the heart of South Texas, and that is because of our community members, our supporters, and even those that stretch us to be better.

Thank you for being here and growing with us. Please stop by and see us at any time.

For information on grants or available programs please visit us at

Maggie J. Cromeens
Executive Director
Cuero Development Corporation
210-355-8865 C
361-275-8178 O
214 E. Main Street
Cuero, TX 77954

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